18th May 2015

‘Wow’ photos wanted!

Posted in: Education, Training, Business

As the image of Yantian International Container Terminal in China  illustrates, ” A picture is certainly worth a thousand words”. Thank you to so many companies across the world who have already emailed us over a 100 photos like these designed to excite and inspire young people about logistics and global supply chains.

The best of them can be downloaded from our Gallery for teachers, trainers and learners to make use of in their lessons, projects and topic work.

But perhaps you have a favourite photo that “wows” you about logistics and supply chains? While we are certainly are short of impressive images of air freight and also the retail end of supply chains, any image you believe would inspire the next generation of ‘logisticians’ would be very welcome.

Please email any such images, as long as they are free of copyright, to and we’ll consider them for inclusion in our Gallery.

Thank you!

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