A conversation with the workforce of any business would confirm that home-schooling presents a big challenge for parents. Not only does it pose huge problems for families with limited access to online learning, there are growing concerns about the impact of the excessive hours that children are regularly in front of computer screens, their phones and television.

Would your business consider helping families who to want ‘unplug their learning’ in a way that celebrates the key role and importance of logistics and supply chains as a whole, reinforcing the positive images and visibility of the industry since the pandemic began?

Business on the Move, does just that, helping to make learning fun through an educational board game based on the big picture of international logistics and global supply chains.

It is both interactive and topical, a game that can be played by the whole family, including mum and dad!

If your organisation would like to learn more about how sponsorship from business can place free games with families wishing to “unplug their children’s learning” please email us at with your contact details.

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