2nd October 2014

Quality Control in Action

Posted in: Education

Two thirds of the initial production run of Business on the Move are now in the hands of the game’s sponsors. These 1,850 games will be distributed to schools over the next few months as our Training programme rolls out across the UK.

Meanwhile the 950 available for sale are being carefully checked as our online Shop goes ‘live’.

Every single game is being inspected to ensure nothing is missing and all is in order.

With over 200 game pieces and more than 250 cards in every game it’s a big job but, with the grateful assistance of PGS Global Logistics, we are on target to complete the quality checks by early October.

As we write our first export orders are being shipped out to Poland and Sweden.

We better get back to work quickly to ensure we keep up!

PS. Have you ordered your games yet… while stocks last?

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