11th May 2020

Help at hand for home schooling logistics professionals

Posted in: Training, Business

Four leading organisations from the UK supply chain sector – Business on the Move, Career Ready Think Logistics, NOVUS and Talent in Logistics – have collaborated to launch #LearningThroughLogistics, a collection of home-schooling resources.

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing schools to shut down, parents and carers have had to take on the teaching role; #LearningThroughLogistics is likely to prove particularly popular with anyone working in the logistics sector who is looking for new ways to support their children’s education.

The collection, hosted by Talent in Logistics, is designed to highlight the vital role logistics plays in society and the wider economy while at the same time providing education in key subjects such as numeracy, English and science. The resources available appeal to primary and secondary school pupils and can be downloaded free of charge, with no registration required, from

Ruth Edwards, of Talent in Logistics, says: “We invite all organisations that operate in the sector to be part of #LearningThroughLogistics. We hope that, by creating a space that parents and teachers can easily access and use, we will spark an interest in our sector and children will be open to exploring the variety of opportunities available to them.”

As well as being educational, the activities are fun and typically test a child’s logic and problem solving skills. For example, one of the 16 resources contributed by Business on the Move that is aimed at the younger age group is called ‘Plan Your Route’ and requires map-reading skills to work out the most efficient ways to make deliveries. This activity has links to core curriculum subjects such as maths and geography. Meanwhile, a Career Ready Think Logistics activity for the 14+ age group, called ‘Think Maths in Logistics’, challenges students with a series of calculations that must be completed to work out the cost of running a truck and requires competency in mathematics and business studies.

Bethany Fovargue, of NOVUS, says: “We believe that, by inspiring the next generation of supply chain professionals, we will be ready not only for business-as-usual, but also for future demands and challenges like the current pandemic. We need to work together as a profession to encourage young people to see logistics as a career of choice and #LearningThroughLogistics is one way in which parents can encourage their children to follow in their footsteps.

The #LearningThroughLogistics resources form part of the industry-wide #ILoveLogistics campaign, which was launched by Talent in Logistics to help the public understand the role that logistics plays and get school-age children excited about the sector. If you are a business that would like to share resources, or a parent/carer that would like to share photos or completed work, please get in touch using #LearningThroughLogistics on social media or via the website.

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