Sponsor, Tej Contractor of freight forwarder MCC Container Lines Pvt. Ltd (and Executive Committee Member of the Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations in India and President of the Indian Institute of Freight Forwarders) is leading from the front with the new Global Edition of Business on the Move.
Instead of waiting for his games to arrive by ship ~ the first shipment is just about to unload in Southampton ~ Tej air-freighted his games into New Delhi in time for them to take centre stage as part of FIATA’s 2018 World Congress held at the end of September in New Delhi, India!
Moreover Tej involved some 130 participants playing the new Global Edition in a knockout tournament as an integral part of FIATA’s ‘Young Logistics Program’.
According to Tej, “One of the biggest challenges in logistics today is skills shortages. Learning is a necessity of life and FIATA’s Young Logistics Program’ provides young people with a global perspective of our industry and where it’s going. Business on the Move is a key part of that learning process”.
Some 64 competing teams played first across 16 games, playing the basic Level One game with the winning pair on each table being the one that completed 4 deliveries first.
The 16 winning teams from each table then played again in competition with each other. This second session featured 4 concurrent games and introduced use of Skills cards (for purchase during the game). In this second game the winner was the team achieving the most deliveries.
Finally the winning team from each of the 4 tables progressed to the third session, The Grand Final.
The Final featured the use of the brand new ‘EDI’ (Electronic Data Interchange) cards with the winner this time being the team with the highest asset value according to the game’s balance sheet.
The variations in the sessions added to the game’s enjoyment and challenge and also meant that every session was different!
The Grand Final’s winners and ‘Champion Young Logisticians’ were Louis Perrin from the UK and Tarang Maroo from India.
Louis, of Hemisphere Freight Services based in Ipswich in the UK, commented, “Business on the Move provides an enjoyable, informative and engaging means to strategise and examine multimodal cargo logistics.”
Well done, Tej, who simply commented “It was awesome!”
The core concept of the new Global edition remains the same: players run multimodal businesses delivering freight as quickly, profitably and responsibly as they can. Players must make the same decisions businesses make every day. How do I deliver? Will I make a profit? How should I grow? How can I cut my carbon footprint?
The new Global Edition of Business on the Move also retains the original’s versatility to meet the needs of widely differing learners, from pupils in primary school to post-graduates in international supply chain management as well as seasoned professionals looking to convey the ‘big picture’ of logistics to trainees new to the sector.
Patricia Smedley, one of the game’s two co-creators, remarks: “This is a huge and important sector with 40,000 companies and more than 10 million employees across the globe and yet supply chains are under the radar, even invisible, to most young people, despite their relevance to our everyday lives and the diverse career opportunities they offer. Our game seeks to address this anomaly through an educational board game that captures the big picture of logistics across the world in a fun and flexible way.”
For more information, simply email us at info@businessonthemove.org
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