17th February 2013

Business on the Move receives backing from the CBI

Posted in: Education

James Fothergill, as Head of Education and Skills at the CBI (the Confederation of British Industry), leads the CBI’s policy and lobbying activity on education and skills issues. He has a wide-ranging remit, covering 14-19 education, further education and higher education, and workforce skills development.

After seeing Business on the Move, James said:

“It is so reassuring and exciting to see pupils as young as ten years old filling in a balance sheet! Business on the Move not only captures the imperatives facing all businesses today of meeting customers’ expectations and making a profit, it does so in a simple and compelling board game format that grabs young people’s attention so much so that they want to play again and again to develop strategies and their enterprise skills, learning more about business as they compete with one another.

I was also impressed by the smart way Business on the Move challenges young people to minimise their carbon footprint whilst also maximising their profits. The developers are now looking for businesses wishing to celebrate their brands on the game board to add even more realism and the CBI would urge any business looking to align itself more closely with education and training to give this serious consideration.”

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